
3 Zodiac Signs Reconnect With An Old Friend On March 23, 2024

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3 Zodiac Signs Reconnect With An Old Friend On March 23, 2024

There's something about the Spring that has us wanting to get up, get out and get social. As it goes with all seasons, each season brings back memories of the past. While 'the past' gets a bum rap most of the time, we have to admit that not everything that happened long ago was a drain on our mental health.

In fact, so many good memories exist in that space. The fun part is that for three zodiac signs, this day, Saturday, March 23, 2024, we might benefit by reaching out to an old friend.

The idea of reconnecting with a person of the past isn't always an easy choice, as we fear that perhaps too much space has grown between us, but we won't know unless we try, right? And the way the Moon trine Uranus and Jupiter makes us feel, well, anything is possible. We're feeling quite optimistic about the idea that reconnecting with an old pal might be a fun thing to do.

Saturday shows us that our efforts pan out, and we get to reconnect and reconnect well, for that matter. It's OK if this doesn't become the friendship it once was, but it sure will be nice to know that at least we can pick up where we once left off, with kindness in our hearts and a genuine curiosity as to what this person's been up to over the last few years. Enjoy that coffee!

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Three zodiac signs reconnect with an old friend on March 23, 2024:

1. Cancer 

Gone are the days when you write someone off and never speak with them again. That's the stuff of youth, and while you may still be young at heart, you feel a bit more open about looking back at your past with joy. You aren't as jaded as you thought you were, after all, Cancer. During Moon trine Uranus and Jupiter, you'll remember that one old friend of yours and how they made you laugh and laugh.



Was there something that separated the two of you, or did the friendship just fade naturally, as friendship does? You'll reach out to this person out of sheer curiosity, and you'll find that getting in touch with them is a lot easier than you thought. Not to mention that they seem very open to the idea of reconnecting.

While this reunion may not bring forth a brand-new friendship, it will be nice to know that this person is doing well and that you still have a few good laughs under your belt. What once was can no longer be, as time and tide have changed things so dramatically, but this day will leave you with a feeling of satisfaction, knowing that it's possible to reconnect with an old friend and feel great about the fact that you did.

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2. Virgo 

What makes for a great friendship, in your case, is having something in common with someone rare and unique. That is why you'll be compelled to think about that one old friend of yours and how much you had in common with them. Your relationship was indeed special and shared a bond that, at the time, you probably thought was indelible.



All of this is fine, and it's nice to go down Memory Lane now and then. However, this Sunday may move your hand to the point where you literally call them up...just to chat and go over a few good old times. Happily, this person is very welcoming to you, and it will be obvious to both of you that that bond never really lost its strength. It may have loosened over the years, but it never snapped apart.

Enjoy the moments, Virgo, as it's fun for you to be in touch with this person once again, even if it ends up going nowhere. Both of you are aware of this. It may just be a temporary thing, but that's OK. Just knowing they're out there and thinking good thoughts about you makes you feel love, happiness, and a sense of accomplishment. Knowing you have a lifelong friend means the world to you, even if you don't speak with them often.

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3. Pisces 

Because of the nature of Moon trine Uranus and Jupiter, what will be happening to you on this  is that you've been tapping into your old memories and wondering whatever happened to so and so. Before long, you'll be opening up old yearbooks and going over photos that bring about such good feelings. That one old friend of yours? You wonder what they've been up to all these years.



That's where Moon trine Uranus and Jupiter come in to act as the force that pushes you to reach out towards this old pal of yours. You aren't trying to 'get back the old razzle dazzle,' but you can't help but feel curious as to what's up with them, where they've been, and what their life turned into. And so, you take it upon yourself on this day to do the deed and find a way to reconnect.

All you get out of this day is good vibes, Pisces, as this is your kind of thing. What really makes it all worthwhile is that your old friend is not only eager to hear from you but might even suggest a meetup, just for old-time's sake. This sounds good to you and prompts you to take action. When Uranus and Jupiter are paired up with the Moon, you can expect good things to happen.

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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.